Olsztyn, ul. Kajki 10/12 lok. 3 89 527 47 70 sitr@sitr.olsztyn.pl

Production, processing and storage of classified documents.

SITR Association (Okręgowy Ośrodek Rzeczoznawstwa i Doradztwa SITR) offers contracts for lending for use of the secure registry. Registry together with autonomic computer system allows processing classified documents with security clearance level: “Restricted”.
What SITR can offer:
  • certified personal computer unit with color printer and plotter (large format printer)
  • classified information security department
  • safe for storing the documents
  • room that meets the requirements of Law on protection of classified information and related executive directives

We can make the registry accessible for companies that require it to participate in process of tender for units processing classified information.

Registry available for completing projects and documentation. Possibility for creating drawing and printing them on certified printers.